What We Do
We are responsible for Managing, Maintaining and Improving the strategic road network in South Wales, which includes 900 carriageway kilometres of trunk road & motorway and its associated assets.
The Agent Area in South Wales covers virtually all of the local authority administrative areas from the Severn Crossings to Pembrokeshire.
We manage and maintain the highway network on a day to day basis, with the aim of delivering the following Welsh Government objectives:
- Providing a safe journey.
- Providing reliable journey times for users.
- Making Best Use of the Asset.
- Minimise impact on the built and natural environment.
- Ensuring value for money.

The Business Management Section is responsible for the business related functions of:
- Financial Management
- 3rd Party Claims
- Business Planning
- Performance Management
- Health and Safety
- Customer Service
- Business Support
- Office Management
- Environmental Systems Management
- Digital/ICT Services
- Data Management/Analysis
- Procurement and tender services
- Contract Management
- Fleet Management
The Area Operations Area teams are responsible for undertaking the following:
- Management of Routine & Cyclic Maintenance of Highways & Structures
- Area Engineers agree a programme of works to be undertaken by the Partner Authorities
- Works are monitored by the Assistant Engineers / Route Stewards who are required to identify routine maintenance works, quantify works and agree costs
- Assistant Engineers / Route Stewards are required to monitor performance and report any failures to the Area Engineer who will address them with the relevant Partner Authority
- Response to emergencies
- The Area teams liaise with the Network Control Centre, Traffic Wales and Police in relation to incidents on the trunk road network. Route Stewards will attend where necessary in order to coordinate the works of the Partner Authorities
Responsible for the delivery of the routine and cyclic maintenance and inspection based activities. The work of the Trunk Road Services (TRS) team comprises of:
- Routine cyclic maintenance activities
- Reactive maintenance
- Adverse weather service
- Emergency works
- Minor improvements
Responsible for the management and maintenance work for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), the service areas covered by the Electrical & Technology Maintenance team include:
- ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems)
- M4 & A40 Tunnels Lighting, other Plant & Communications Systems
- Trunk Road Street Lighting, Illuminated Traffic Signs & Bollards
- Trunk Road Traffic Signals
- Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) assets
- Meteorological Monitoring and Measurement (MET) assets
- Automated school signs
Located at the South Wales Traffic Management Centre at Coryton, the Network Management team are responsible for the following:
- Network Resilience Liaison & Planning
- Incident Management
- Winter Maintenance
- Road Space Co-ordination
- New Road & Street Works
- Abnormal Load Routing
- Tunnel Management
- Welsh Government Traffic Officer Service
- Control Room Operations
- Management and provision of the Traffic Wales Service
The Asset Condition team undertake the following functions:
- Management of inspections of highways, structures, geotechnical features, lighting, signals, soft estate
- Environmental management
- Management of inventory and records for all highway assets
- Management of road condition surveys
- All Wales Technical Survey Contract
- Collation and analysis of condition survey data
- Identification and prioritisation of schemes through condition data
- Justification of future schemes through the value management process
- Preparation and submission of bids for future schemes
- Development and management of WG asset management databases
The Asset Engineering/Programme Delivery team are responsible for:
- Identification and prioritisation of future schemes
- Value engineering and value management of schemes
- Preparation and submission of bids for future schemes
- Procurement of design services – unitary authority and private consultants
- Procurement of works through framework contractors
- Development and management of the annual and 5 year capital programme