Who We are
Established in April 2006, the South Wales Trunk Road Agent (SWTRA) is an Agent working on behalf of the Welsh Government (WG) Network Management Division of the Department for Economy, Science and Transport.
SWTRA operates under the governance of Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and is made up of 4 administrative areas:
Business Management
The Business Management Section provides essential support functions to the whole Agent operations and is key in maintaining all aspects of service delivery.
Area Operations
The network is segmented into three regions for Area Operations, Western, Central and Eastern. An Area Engineer is responsible for the preparation and implementation of policies and procedures to provide overall management of the Area Operations teams in the implementation and annual delivery of a programme of routine and cyclic maintenance via the Agent’s service providers to ensure the asset is kept in a safe and serviceable condition.
The Trunk Road Services (TRS) team are responsible for the delivery of the routine and cyclic maintenance and inspection based activities.
The Electrical & Technology Maintenance section is responsible for the management of maintenance work for the intelligent transport systems (ITS).
Network Management
The Network Management team is responsible for the preparation, implementation and review of policies and procedures in accordance with the delegated functions agreed with Welsh Government to ensure that we keep the travelling public moving, and to ensure that measures are in place to manage SWTRA’s response to adverse weather, incident related events and planned activities.
Asset Management
The Asset Condition team is responsible for the systematic monitoring of the assets.
The asset engineering team are responsible for developing the programme of works and implementing renewal and upgrade schemes through the procurement of design services.